ENGINEER 1D04 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pencil, Arms Industry, Turing Award

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ENGINEER 1D04 Full Course Notes
ENGINEER 1D04 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

This examination paper includes 11 pages and 30 questions. You are responsible for ensuring that your copy of the examination paper is complete. Bring any discrepancy to the attention of your invigilator. Special instructions: it is your responsibility to ensure that the answer sheet is properly completed. If there is a true/false question, mark 1 (or a) for true, and 2 (or b) for. The question number is to the left of the bubbles. In python, a character is a value of type char. The ascii character system is suitable for representing almost any writing system used in the world. Let x be a value of any python sequence type. Then x and x[0:len(x)] always denote the same value. Donald knuth is a winner of the turing award. In python, the behavior of an object is determined by its elds. For an engineer, having a good understanding of computing can be a matter of life and death.