ENVIRSC 1G03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Continental Crust, Oceanic Crust, Plate Tectonics

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Edges of continents have similar rock units that connect if pangea was: geologic evidence reconstructed, paleontologic evidence, climatic evidence together, paleomagnetic evidence. The same fossils are found on the edges of continents that were once together. Glaciers moved out from the south pole to other continents when pangea was. Magnetic minerals align with the earth"s magnetic field and freeze in place when lava cools, show the location of the poles at that time based on tilt: mid-ocean ridges, seafloor spreading hypothesis: Cracks in the oceanic crust which split all ocean basins of the world. Oceanic crust descends back into the mantle at deep-sea trenches. Isostasy: the condition o balance or equilibrium in which the crust floats on the mantle. Made of light metals such as oxygen and silicon: mantle. Made of iron and magnesium: inner core. Made of iron and nickel: outer core. Igneous rocks: extrusive: cools after it"s punched through the surface, anatomy of volcano.