[GEOG 1HB3] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (41 pages long!)

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Geographers explain where things are, why they are here, and why their locations have. Geography; geo = earth, graphy = to write. Divided into 2 categories physical geography and human geography. Human geographers; study cultural features (economic activities and cities) Physical geographers; concentrate on distribution of natural features (landforms and vegetation) To explain why every place is unique, geographers have 2 basic concepts: Place special point on earth distinguished by a certain characteristic. Region area of earth distinguished by distinctive combination of cultural and physical features. To explain why different places are interrelated, geographers have 3 basic concepts: Scale relationship between portion of earth being studied and earth as a whole. Space refers to physical gap or internal between two objects. Connection refers to relationships among people and objects across the barrier of space. Maps have helped geographers to explain where things are located. Accurate mapmaking revived in the middle ages, and developed further during the age of.