[GEOG 1HB3] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 36 pages long Study Guide!

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1 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Population: an introduction to global population distribution and change. Population geography: the study of spatial expressions of population. Nature & consequences of growth: differential population growth, consequences. Clusters: europe, south asia, east asia & southeast asia. Population density: the number of people occupying an area of land with regard to the amount of space. Arithmetic density: number of people per unit of land. Total number of people total land area. Physiological density: number of people per unit of arable land. The higher the physiological density, the greater the pressure placed on the land to make food. Provides insight to the relationship between the size of a population and the availability of resources. Overpopulation: when the number of people exceeds the capacity of the environment. Carrying capacity: how many people can be supported by the environment: population growth theory & dynamics. Population today = old population + (births-deaths) Global population can only change based on births and deaths.