GEOG 3RW3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 103 pages long!)

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River, the caspian sea: these mountains create the boundary between europe and asia in european geography (example: british and german schools, geographers agreed on this boundary line, south asia: location, size and limits. South asia: south asia extends south from the main part of the asian continent to the indian, the principal boundaries. Pakistan and iran, pakistan and afghanistan; east national boundaries between. Geography 3rw3 dr. basik page 2: peninsulas. Sub-regions of south asia: physical, cultural and geopolitical entities, five sub-regions* India (mainland india; peninsular south: west (pakistan, east (bangladesh; six east indian states, mountainous north (nepal; bhutan; indian himalayas; kashmir territory, southern islands (sri lanka; the maldives; small indian ocean, archipelagoes, countries: Geography 3rw3 dr. basik page 3: pakistan (islamabad, bangladesh (dhaka, nepal (kathmandu, bhutan (thimphu, sri lanka (colombo, the maldives (male) Geological structures and relief: part 1: supercontinent pangaea, gondwanaland, figures, gonds name of an indian tribe. Plate about 50 million years ago consequences of plate tectonics.