HISTORY 1CC3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Declaration Of Nullity, Diaconia, Polygamy

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Church till the end of time: includes: episcopate= bishop. Presbyterate= priest: daconte= deacon, the bishop receives the fullness of the sacrament of holy orders , without these, one can not speak of the church, can ordain men to the priesthood and consecrated men as bishops. The priesthood is the love of the heart of jesus: at the service of the baptismal priesthood, become an icon of christ, share in the mission of jesus as priest, prophet and king. Since vatican ii the deacon has been made a permanent order: deacons are ordained not unto the priesthood, but unto the ministry , roles: Each of us is called to pray daily for the increase in vocations and for our priests. What god has joined, we must not divide . They become one body : jesus becomes an intimate part of the union. It take three : christs makes a covenant, this is what makes a christian marriage different from any other.