HLTHAGE 1CC3 Midterm: HLTHAGE test 1 review

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Document Summary

Mental illness: thinking caused by sickness, media links mental illness to young women acting in displeasing ways, oversimplifies it, mental illness not set in stone or universally correct. Symptoms and definitions change over time and place. Some things we define as mental illness now were not defined as that 20 years ago, vice versa: google projects particular ideas about what mental health means. People tied together, doing activities like yoga, being outside. Mental disorders characterized by their effect on: thought, behaviour, mood: health of a person in relation to these 3 things, all people have mental health and are on the spectrum, multiple areas can be shaped certain/different ways. Spiritual problem: problems related to faith, displeasing the gods, possession: balance problem: yin/yang, bodily humours, chemical imbalance/neurotransmitter imbalance, medication to fix it. Somatic (of the body) problem: chemical imbalance, issue of the brain, spinal fluid, result of inflammation in the body.