HTHSCI 1H06 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Stapedius Muscle, Adductor Hiatus, Posterior Spinal Artery

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What is its function? stretches from calcaneous to navicular, supports head of talus. Scaphoid, lunate and triquetral (we don"t need to know the last two though: distinguish between a separation, dislocation, and subluxation. Separation - ligaments that connect bones are torn and the bones pull apart. Dislocation - joint pulled out of the capsule. They do this by sealing off the epiphyseal plate: explain the pathway in which smell is detected. Inhaled chemicals go up nasal cavity and get dissolved in the mucous of superior mucosa. They bind to olfactory receptors which send action potentials across the cribiform skull bone to the olfactory blub. Gain weight, because with more high levels of t3 and t4 you get an increase basal. Binds to troponin (tnc) causing a conformational change, and that allows the myosin head to contact the exposed actin. Tropic hormone = stimulates the release of another hormone.