HTHSCI 2F03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Orbital Cellulitis, Uveitis, Trichiasis

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Blocked drainage of aqueous from anterior chamber via the canal of schlemm. Pupil dilatation (e. g. @ night) worsens the blockage. Prodrome: rainbow haloes around lights at night-time. Pilocarpine 2-4% drops stat: miosis opens blockage. Topical -b (e. g. timolol): aqueous formation. Acetazolamide 500mg iv stat: aqueous formation. Uvea is pigmented part of eye and included: iris, ciliary body and choroid. White (keratic) precipitates on back of cornea. Cyclopentolate drops: dilates pupil and prevents adhesions between iris and lens (synechiae) Bilat yag peripheral iridotomy once iop medically. Localised reddening: can be moved over sclera. Vessels may be moved over the sclera. Acuity, pupil responses and cornea are unaffected. Acanthamoeba: protazoal infection affecting contact lens wearers swimming in pools. 20% of all shingles (only commoner in thoracic dermatomes) Pain in cnv1 dermatome precedes blistering rash. Nose-tip zoster due to involvement of nasociliary branch. Chance of globe involvement as nasociliarry nerve also supplies globe. Lights / flashes preceding visual loss: detached retina.