HTHSCI 2HH3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 27 pages long!)

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Pathogens: microbes that cause disease, must have parasitic relationship with host (harmful, causes infectious process) Commensalism relationship, presence of bacteria is not causing us any harm or benefit, but may benefit the bacteria. E coli: often viewed as negative and harmful, but there is many subtypes, certain type exists in a healthy gut and has a mutualistic relationship w humans. Learning about more and more good bacteria that are making us healthier. Relationship can move from mutualism to parasitism by introducing the microorganism to an environment where it doesn"t belong (eg. when e coli is introduced to the urinary tract and causes a uti) Viruses are very small and not alive, genetic material surrounded by a protein. Fungi can have more adverse effects to medications, harder to treat. Knowing if a patient has travelled recently is very important for the diagnosis of microbes and infectious disease.