[ISCI 1A24] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 27 pages long Study Guide!

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Before realizing all cells come from pre-existing cells, it was believed that cells arise spontaneously from non-living materials. (louis pasteur"s experiment disproved this hypothesis). Cell: a highly organised compartment bound by a plasma membrane containing concentrated chemicals in an aqueous solution. Smallest unit of life as we know it, smallest unit capable of independent reproduction. All living organisms descended from a common ancestral cell: Human genome sequencing project key points (fyi only): Alternative splicing generates a more complex set of gene products in higher. Alternative splicing generates a more complex set of gene products in higher eukaryotes. Hundreds of human genes appear to be of bacterial origin and were likely acquired by horizontal gene transfer . Roughly half of the human genome is composed of transposable elements. Prokaryotic cells are have a relatively simple structure: Eukaryotic cells have a complex internal structure with many membrane-limited organelles: "if it has dna, evolves, or reproduces it is alive. "