KINESIOL 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Abdominal External Oblique Muscle, Abdominal Internal Oblique Muscle, Levator Scapulae Muscle

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Insertion: muscle end attached to bone with greatest movement. Belly: largest portion of the muscle between origin and insertion. Tendons: attach muscles to bones: aponeurosis: a very broad tendon, sheet-like. Agonist: muscle that, when it contracts, causes an action (eg. flexing forearm bicep) Antagonist: a muscle working in opposition to agonist (eg. flexing forearm tricep) Synergists: muscles that work together to cause a movement: prime mover: plays major role in accomplishing movement, fixators: stabilize joints crossed by the prime mover, prevent movement of the origin of the prime move, eg. Location: pectoralis (chest region), gluteus (buttox region), brachial (arm region) Size: maximus (largest), minimus (smallest), longus(longest), brevis (shortest), vastus (huge), major (larger), minor (smaller), or major more important, minor less important. Shape: deltoid (triangular) , quadratus (squared shape), teres (round shape), trapezius (trapezoid shaped) Action/function: abductor, adductor, masseter (involved in mastication), fexlor, extensor. Origin and insertion: sternocleidomastoid (attaches to all those diff bones), brachioradialis.