KINESIOL 1C03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Transient Ischemic Attack, Blood Vessel, Atherosclerosis

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It is the loss or temporary impairment our bodily functions due to an injury or lack of blood flow to the brain causing cellular death/injury. Ischemia lack of blood flow: hypoxia lack of oxygen. Ischemia will result in hypoxia, which will cause a stroke. 5 warning signs of stroke: dizziness, weakness, headache, verbal speech/comprehension impairment, vision impairment. Transient ischemic attack (tia: (cid:862)tra(cid:374)sie(cid:374)t(cid:863) an early indication of an impending stroke. It is the 3rd leading cause of death in canada and usa. It occurs in men over 68 and women over 72 occurs in old people. It is more prominent in women than men: women live longer, therefore they are more likely to incur stroke. It is the leading cause of disability in the usa: stroke causes brain impairment, which causes disability. Hypertension: the number 1 modifiable risk factor, range of healthy blood pressure is given in a chart*