KINESIOL 1C03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Jeremy Morris, Relative Risk, Cardiorespiratory Fitness

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3 types of evidence of pa for chd: occupational pa studies, leisure time pa studies, physical fitness studies. Jere(cid:373)y morris" lo(cid:374)do(cid:374) bus study: conductors had higher amounts of pa and lower risk of chd than drivers, he also found that conductors had milder chd than drivers shows a dose-response relationship between pa and chd. Jere(cid:373)y morris" us postal workers study: mailmen had higher amounts of pa and lower risk of chd than clerks in offices. **limitations of both of morris" studies were that they were both retrospective studies. Framingham heart study: measured both risk of cvd and chd against increasing pa levels, pa was put into pa indexes: 24 being the lowest pa index, equivalent to 0 pa. Looked at alumni students and how active they are during their free leisure time: measured physical activity as an index against relative risk for first myocardial infarction, these alumni students were healthy and never had a mi.