KINESIOL 1C03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Triglyceride, Bone Density, Adipose Tissue

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Physical attributes relating to one"s morphological, muscular, motor, cardiorespiratory, and metabolic capabilities: genetic basis, sensitive to type and amount of pa and training. Epidemiologists measure physical fitness to determine if it is a. : outcome of physical activity, mediator of physical activity. The middle step of a cause and effect pathway. Decreasing pa leads to cv disease possible that decreasing pa led to increase bp which then led to cv disease. Bp would be fitness measure in between pa and cv disease; middle step: moderator of physical activity. Does physical fitness change the relationship between two other variables. Effect modifier modifies effect / relationship btwn 2 variables. Pa body composition, strength, bp risk of diabetes, falls, heart disease. Explanation of biological plausibility (one of mill"s canons) Fitness is being used as a potential biological mechanism for pa"s link to these diseases. Fitness as a moderator of pa (or effect modifier . Intervention was light exposure, looking at depressive symptoms.