KINESIOL 1C03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Colorectal Cancer, Wicket-Keeper, Osteoporosis

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Document Summary

Physical activity and cancer: physiology of cancer, magnitude of the problem, pa and cancer. Abnormal growth and division of cells (2 phases: initiation and promotion) Promotion: when cells divide uncontrollably (leads to tumor growth) Process of metastasis when cancer has spread to other regions. Carcinoma occurs / begins in epithelial cells, majority of cancers eg. breast, colon, prostate. Sarcoma cancer in connective tissue, soft tissue, or musculoskeletal tissue; not as common. Different risk factors for diff types of cancer people don"t get cancer in lens of eye. Stage ii: advanced localized tumors (increased in size but haven"t travelled anywhere else) Stage iii: advanced tumor and spreading to lymph nodes. Cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed nations. On average, 3,340 canadians will be diagnosed with cancer every week. On average, 1, 470 canadians die of cancer every week. 40% of women and 45% of men will develop cancer during their lifetime.