KINESIOL 1C03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Wicket-Keeper, Angina Pectoris, Low-Density Lipoprotein

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Document Summary

Physical activity and reduced hypertension risk: the evidence. Both population-based epidemiologic and clinical experiments provide evidence that low/moderate intensity pa is associated with prevention and treatment of mild hypertension. White women that had high bp / hypertensive and divided them into groups based on exercise caregories / levels of pa. Total hypertension combination of systolic and diastolic somehow, systolic, and diastolic. Moving from no exercise to heavy, there is a reduction in total bp. Lowest reduction / plateau happens around moderate intensity category. Past certain intensity of work there is no further benefit, not as great a benefit. Systolic had a significant drop from none to light, and small improvement from light to moderate. Diastolic continued to define over exercise categories but no benefit of heavy exercise. Relative risk for hypertension; low fit and high fit, two categories: Perspective initial measurements in population, out of high and low fit which ones had hypertension and classified that category.