KINESIOL 1F03 Study Guide - Trans Fat, Skimmed Milk, Monounsaturated Fat

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Antioxidant: a nutrient that combines with or neutralizes free radicals, preventing oxidative damage to the cell; eg. vitamin c, e, selenium, neutralize anion. Free radicals are by-products of normal metabolic pathways (eg. glycolysis, oxidative phos) Oxygen picks up an extra electron: o2. Phytochemicals plant chemical : complex chemicals that vary from plant to plant, eg. Orange has over 170 distinctive phytochemcials: function: fight bacteria and viruses, uv lights, free radicals, health benefits: cancer prevention (free radical and hormone neutralizing), lowering ldl cholesterol. Problems/diseases: supplies energy to cells liver and skeletal muscle; storage form - glycogen simple or complex cho diabetes mellitus. Rbcs lack mitochondria; cells that contain mitochondria engage in aerobic metabolism except rbcs so they can"t use o2 to support needs, they rely on glucose. Carbs are an essential nutrient b/c rbcs can only feed on them to provide energy. Carbs are stored mainly in the liver (greater density) and skeletal muscles but there"s a limit.