KINESIOL 2A03- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 66 pages long!)

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*x component always comes first, then the y component. In mechanics, a negative sign just indicates direction. When we have only one side and an angle, check your calculator and use the deg function. *calculate the force that pulls the patella medially. *ry = -44. 0 + 14. 0 ry = -30. 0n. *r2 = (-108)2 + (-30)2 r = 112n. Mass is how much stuff is in an object. weight is when gravity acts on that stuff Fnormal is always perpendicular to the contact surface. *static friction is the friction you need to overcome to move something. *dynamic friction is when you need to overcome to keep it moving. When moving, these surfaces aren"t locked in as much (less resistance) Sometimes we want to decrease friction and sometimes we want to increase friction. To change friction we can change the shape of the surface (cleats) or we can change the surface (rubber court shoes)