KINESIOL 2CC3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 12 pages long!)

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3 main systems in the body: cardiovascular-respiratory system, metabolic system, neuromuscular-skeletal system. 3 main tissues for exercise: lungs, heart, skeletal tissue. When it comes to exercising there is a specific circulation involved for energy production and energy expenditure. Heart and circulation provided from the heart and fuels come from supply tissues. Skeletal muscle produces fuel by products, co2 (which is expired through the lungs) and heat. Skeletal muscle needs oxygen and fuels in order to function oxygen is. *note not all fuel by-products are bad lactate is a by-product of lactic acid which builds up in muscles, it can be used by other tissues and can be converted into glucose. Everything else in the body tries to meet the demands of the skeletal system muscle can use. Liver: takes up metabolic by-products and converts it into stuff skeletal. Skin: vasodilation occurs in order to cool down, (cid:498)heat removal(cid:499) Bioenergetics study of energy transfer via chemical reactions in living tissues.