KINESIOL 2E03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Quadratus Lumborum Muscle, Erector Spinae Muscles, Iliac Crest

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Origin/insertion: origin, outer surfaces of ribs 5 12, insertion, linea alba, anterior layer of rectus sheath, outer lip of iliac crest. Origin/insertion: origin, intermediate lining of iliac crest, asis, iliopsoas fascia, deep layer of thoracolumbar fascia, insertion, linea alba, anterior & posterior layers of rectus sheath, bottom borders of ribs 10 to 12. Transversus abdominus: it is a horizontal muscle that encircles the trunk, it attaches to a connective tissue at the back called the thoracolumbar fascia, which is attached to the lumbar spine the result of contracting. Ta is that it will stabilize this spine + push on the abdomen. Origin/insertion: origin, deep thoracolumbar fascia, inner lip of iliac crest, asis, inner surfaces of costal cartilages of ribs 7-12, lateral part of inguinal ligament, insertion, linea alba, posterior layer of rectus sheath, pubic crest. Actions: bilateral, presses against the abdomen + stabilizes the spine, ta acts like a belt that tightens, unilateral, ipsilateral rotation (minor)