KINESIOL 2F03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Exhalation, Deuterium, Skeletal Muscle

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Five levels of body comp research: atomic o, c, h, n, and other elements. 95% of body o, c, h, n. 4. 5% of body na, k, p, cl, ca, mg, s: molecular water, protein, minerals, glycogen, and lipid. Cadaver studies: cellular cells and extracellular fluids and solids. Body weight = sum: tissue skeletal muscle, visceral, skeleton, adipose, and residual. New technology ways to measure body comp dramatic can do dexus scan and can give interesting info about body but may expose person to radiation: whole body. Body volume & density used to estimate relative fatness. Two-component model = traditional: body weight = ffm + fm (fat free mass + fat mass, ffm = water, protein, mineral (bone, soft tissue) Issue there could be error due to water held in fat. Four-component model: body weight = tbw + bm + fm + residual (total body water + bone mineral + fat mass + residual, ffm = bone mineral + residual.