KINESIOL 2G03- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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Epigenetics is the study of how environment and genetics impact stress. Stress set point is determined by early life experiences. Stress early in life reduces mr and gr receptor expression in hippocampus, having fewer receptors leads to more cortisol floating around which leads to higher stress levels because it takes longer for cortisol to be cleaned up. Explicit cue conditioning: a cue followed by a stress stimulus. Context cue conditioning: a cue followed by a stress stimulus within a certain context/environment will can fear of the environment regardless of cue or stress stimulus. Hippocampus shuts off the hypothalamus and hpa axis, cortisol binds to hippocampus. Glucocorticoid and mineralcorticoid receptors bind with cortisol, receptors are responsible for shutting off hpa. Fear context is stored within single cell synapse: neurogenesis: new cells born every day. Responsible for linking an environment with fear context conditioning would be affected if hippocampus was knocked out.