KINESIOL 2G03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Allodynia, Paracetamol, Spinal Cord

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3 types of social pain that we will look at: empathy, empathy pain vs. Nsaid: this is because opiates try to target opioid receptors found on the c-fibers. + cognitive fitness: example, 2 older adults, both 70 years old, will have the same range of cognitive performance values where they could place. The effects of acute aerobic exercise on long-term memory in younger. Overview: h nn "s study is going to show why schools taking out physical activity from their curriculum is counter-productive in producing good students, physical activity & academic performance have been highly correlated, as pa (cid:323), c demic perform nce (cid:323) Results: exercise pre & post lecture had better scores on multiple choice test (i. e. , memory performance) than control, there was no difference between exercising before or after lecture. Future directions: expand study to other populations (i. e. , we only studied university students here, examine different types of exercise.