KINESIOL 2Y03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Stapes, Eardrum, Optic Chiasm

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Mechanoreceptors: compression, bending, stretching of cells. hearing and balance proprioception. Chemoreceptors: chemicals become attached to receptors on their membranes. Chemical bind to a receptor or neighboring protein that will single a channel to open. 7 primary classes of odors: camphoraceous, musky, floral, peppermint, ethereal, pungent, putrid, superior nasal concha: redirects air towards olfactory region; specifically; olfactory epithelium which connects to form olfactory nerves (cranial nerve 1) Sensory receptor cells: ethmoid bone has a foramina (hole) that allows nerve to go through + connect to brain. Bipolar neuron which is specialized as a chemoreceptor. End of dendrite (olfactory vesicle) turns into cilia (olfactory hairs) Olfactory hairs: where ligand gated/chemically gated ion channels: plasma membrane of an olfactory hair, unstimulated. Only sensory organ that bypasses thalamus and goes straight to cortex. Bundle of axons if olfactory receptors known as olfactory nerve serous secretion: mucous; to pretext olfactory hair and allow odorants to get dissolved.