KINESIOL 2Y03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Zika Virus, Postganglionic Nerve Fibers, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

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Embryonic period: extends from fertilization through the eighth week of development; development of organ systems. Fetal period: lasts 30 weeks; organ systems grow and mature. Figure 29. 5: fertilization (12-24hrs): merging of genetic information from sperm and secondary oocyte. 12-24 hours after semen enters vagina contractions of the uterine muscle are what helps the sperm pass through the walls faster. Sperm pass through the uterus and uterine tubes mainly due to the walls of these structures. Sperm has enough energy to stay active for 48 hours. Ovaries = release secondary oocytes in response to ovulation. So sperm (in its 48 window) must align with ovulation window of 3 days ( 2days prior to ovulation or 1 day after ovulation) To fertilize an egg, sperm must penetrate two layers the corona radiata (granulosa cells that surround the secondary oocyte) and the zona pellucida (glycoprotein layer between the corona radiata and the oo(cid:272)(cid:455)te"s plas(cid:373)a (cid:373)e(cid:373)(cid:271)ra(cid:374)e)