KINESIOL 3H03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pedometer, Vo2 Max, Decisional Balance Sheet

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Exercise psychology: exercise science and application of psychology to exercise science and to the promotion and maintenance of exercise. Concerned with psychological and emotional consequences of exercise. Fundamental issues: understanding psychology antecedents and consequences of exercise. Using exercise to reduce stress and negative psychological states and promote positive ones. What is physical activity: any body movement that cause increases in physical exertion beyond that which occurs during normal activities of life. Occupational: working: on a farm, truck driver, factory (anything that causes you to exert energy. Leisure time: walking the dog, canoeing, dancing, anything you want to do. Activities of daily living: vacuuming, carrying groceries, walking up stairs, what you have to do. Exercise: laps, running, lifting weights, circuit training. What is exercise: a form of leisure time activity that is undertaken in order to achieve a particular goal. Activity that is planned & done for the purpose of improving helath or fitness.