KINESIOL 3P03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Body Shape, Rhabdomyolysis, Tough Mudder

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With so much uncertainty in the world, we control what we can, which is our body: we chose what we eat, drink, use, wear, listen to, watch etc, reflects an imperative of our consumer capitalist society. We internalize the imperative to control our bodies: dieting disciplines the body"s hunger; you must fight off what your body wants and desires and your brain has to have the will to not cave. The body is a sign: height has symbolic meaning those who are taller make more money, weight is a symbol of social status, proportion, clothing, jewellery, hair, scent and posture. Resisting control and the pleasure that comes from it is also centered around the body. Historically, carnivals were held by the lower-class and would abandon social norms, threatening the upper classes: was a celebration involving lots of strange events, overtime, was repressed because of the idea of self control.