KINESIOL 4B03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Brainstem, Stationary Bicycle, Thrombosis

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There have been changes over the past two centuries . 1875: germany max oertel spa program (facility where you stay there, look after you mind body and soul) heart disease pts focus on walking and dieting interventions to rid body of waste. 1890s: sweden gymnastics was the preferred mode of exercise: specialized gymnastics moves led to development of exercise equipment/machines, zander created a machine, herz created equipment which led to the cycle ergometer. 1860 1944: series of lectures by john hilton advocating strict bed rest for people with heart disease, english-speaking medical community followed this logic during this time period. 1944: american medical association annual meeting: began questioning logic of bed rest leading to a series of studies that followed. Historical perspective of bed rest: rest for a diseased organ is a therapeutic principle , activity diverts resources essential for healing, acute coronary thrombosis (blood clot in coronary vasculature) head down best rest for.