KINESIOL 4J03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis Muscle, Ischial Tuberosity

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Partner in supine with knee hanging off at edge of table (opp leg bent for comfort) Itb: ant border = post borer of vl. Head of fibula: note u-shaped cap of head of fib. 2: to feel tendon near the knee use two thumbs and feel the tendon between it and follow it up as it disappears underneath semimem. Long head begins at the ischial tuberosity and sacrotuberous ligament, short head begins along lateral edge of linea aspera in the middle third of the posterior femur. Long muscle that runs inferiorly and slightly laterally/obliquely down the femur to insert on the head of the fibula. Directly lateral to the semitendinosus (and semimembranosus which is deep to tendinosus) Superior tendon is deep to the gluteus maximus. Insertion wraps laterally around the popliteal fossa, passing and running over the plantaris and the lateral of the gastrocnemius.