KINESIOL 4J03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bicipital Groove, Deltoid Tuberosity, Costal Cartilage

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Clavicle full length: lateral end widens out and becomes broader and flatter as it approaches the ac joint. Go into ext rot, lesser will move under finger, as you internally rotate should run into greater. Acromion process and acromial angle: begin by tracking clavicle and drawing in the acromion, dropping back. Greater tuberosity of humerus (superior aspect: rotator cuff muscles come into greater tuberosity, stick it right below acromion, goes all the way around the back, quite a bit larger than lesser (teal) Infraspinatus - coral: feel into the infraspinous fossa, muscle doesn"t start til about a finger in from medial border, infra comes in off back of greater tub, maybe a thumb width. Superior glenohumeral ligament: put partner into laterally rotated position, draw greater and lesser tuberosity to draw. Biceps brachii long head and short head: muscle descriptions. Muscle fibre arrangement: pennate, strap, convergent (fan), fusiform.