KINESIOL 4T03- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 67 pages long!)

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Not merely a duality women: some women have more power than some men. Gender intersects with other systems of privilege and subordination. Gender, sport, leisure jan 9th 2017 (cid:498)one(cid:495)s understanding of the world is structured by one(cid:495)s position within intersecting systems of privilege and subordination(cid:499) (cid:523)messner, 2007(cid:524) Fractures within feminism some types of women have more power than other types of. Female body is under threat/at risk of being alone at night experiences are different. How people will interact with you, if they will respect you, date you, employ you are all in the united states (stereotypical assumptions that they are violent criminals/threatening) impacted by your body and how it fits within society. Bodily differences lead to different experiences, different social networks, different resource access etc. (can be advantageous or disadvantageous) The mind/body dualism (the cartesian dualism: being watched while shopping because of the colour of their skin depending on body (i. e. men may not experience the same threat)