LABRST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Industrial Workers Of The World, Consumerism, Industrial Unionism

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Masters added to the servants" misery, they already had harsh environments etc. A contract emerged called social contract defining their relationship. They always disagreed as masters wanted high profits, loyalty, Voyageurs wanted struggled for fair and comfortable working obedience etc. conditions. There was a lot of tension as many were poor. City consisted of immigrants who came to work. City has a huge divide, half are poor, other half is rich. Full of radicals which resulted in lots of tension. Workers decided to walk off their job and strike together across all industries. They decided to have a sympathy strike which meant everyone walked off the job together on one day. It did not seem like a big deal at the time but the entire city ended up shutting down. Strike committee ran the city as everything stopped. Strike committee now had 2 major problems to deal with.