LABRST 1A03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Industrial Revolution, Scientific Management, Populism

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Created a lot of the language to explain what was happening. Conception (how something is made, world of business, engineers) vs. execution (grunt root labour force) Break down every act of a worker in a work place. Humiliate the workers, make them feel constantly watched: efficiency and 2) control. How can you have meaningful democracy when you have these private entities. The conditions that were producing the wealth were terrible. Henry george articulate in this book, progress and poverty, which factories were producing a lot, but they were also generating poverty because of the conditions of the workers. People get shifted around often (from their work, or their land), peoples lives are changed because of industrialization. Canadians were concerned with providing benefits while development still took place (this made them slower than other countries) Populist movements driven by people who felt threatened by change and felt that political parties did not represent them.