LABRST 2A03 Final: [LABRST 2A03] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 39 pages long Study Guide!

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A local union is the organization you belong to if you are a union member (the basic unit of a. The goal is to localize workers as much as possible. The organization created to represent a union at one workplace. There is one union local to represent all the workers of that plant. Reflects the ideas behind industrial unions - based on mass unions, large number of workers = strength in numbers. Goes by organizing a trade and trying to control that trade; trying to organize everyone who works in that trade based on the type of work they do. When the trade union model is dominant, there will be workplace with several unions. Bargaining is controlled by the trade; the union sets a union rate which is a standard rate for a type of work to be done. This model is mostly gone now, however it still exists in the construction trade.