LABRST 2A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Races Of Starcraft, Neoliberalism

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Four of the following questions will appear on the final exam. The wagner model was developed out of a desire for democracy and to give workers a voice in the workplace to prevent extremism. The wm gave unions the power of collective bargaining, meaning workers could bargain with employers on workplace issues and there would be a reliable, clear contract between both sides. The wm promoted contained conflict, balancing workplace powers between employers and employee by placing limits on conflict. For instance, strikes are prohibited unless a contract had ended. This gave employers to peace of mind that there would not be too many disrup- tions on day to day matters. The grievance system was a result of this, it means an employee cannot protest over employer action on the job. Grievances must be filed in order to address the problem, this allows for companies to maintain production while dealing with disputes.