LIFESCI 3A03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Organ Transplantation, Fluorophore

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Telomeres are protein complexes that are at the end of dna strands, which protect the dna from the ku proteins and prevent the loss of coding genes during dna replication. Ku proteins repair double strand breaks which occur 10 times a day in our cells. Since the ends of chromosomes without telomeres resemble dna damage, these ku proteins tend to merge dna strands together which can lead to mutations in the genome. Duplex telomeric dna: consists of 4 to 15 kilobases which caps the end of chromosomes. Single stranded telomeric dna: consist of ~250 base pairs that have a 3" g-rich overhang. Telomeres shorten as we age, in males they start off with longer telomeres, that erode at a much higher rates than females. This explains why females live 15% longer than males. In this experiment we attach a complimentary dna probe that is covalently bonded to fluorophore, denature the sample and wait for hybridization.