LIFESCI 2N03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Histidine, Lipophilicity, Whey Protein Isolate

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Solubility hydrophobic (water fearing) and lipophilic (fat loving); dissolve easily in organic solvents, less in water. Classes of lipids i) triglycerides ii) phospholipids iii) sterols. Glycerol + 3 fatty acids triglyceride + 3 h2o. H from glycerol and oh from fatty acid form h2o; o from glycerol binds c on fatty acid. Dependent on physical activity level, glucose availability, blood insulin levels. Infants require fat intake for development and growth of ns and cell membranes. Insulation/protection i) visceral fat (protects visceral organs) ii) subcutaneous fat (insulation barrier, reduces heat transfer; below skin) Excess visceral fat breaks down; enters hepatic portal circulation, filtered and stored by liver fatty liver; impairs glucose handling. Anorexia nervosa eating disorder; prolonged decrease in appetite; refusal to eat; starvation. Amenorrhea less severe form of energy imbalance; lack of menses; exacerbated by high volume exercise (athletic induced amenorrhea) Female athletes triad amenorrhea, eating disorder, osteoporosis (skeletal problems)