LINGUIST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: International Phonetic Alphabet, Articulatory Phonetics, Nasal Consonant

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Document Summary

The articulatory system enables humans to produce speech. The auditory system: open to exact frequency that humans produce. The neural system: dedicated to producing and understanding language. Mental grammar: shared system that lets the same speakers of a language understand each other. Phenology: the way mental grammar organizes each sound. Morphology: the strategy that languages use to form words. Syntax: ways that languages combine words to form sentences. Semantics: ways that meanings of words in sentences are organized in the mind. Languages are creative and mental grammar is generative. Inaccessibility: almost all knowledge in our mental grammar is unconscious knowledge. English is messy because words are borrowed from other languages, because of age, regional variation, and context. International phonetic alphabet (ipa): one to one phonetic transcription; not ambiguous. Acoustic phonetics: physical acoustic properties of the sound waves we produce. Articulatory phonetics: how humans use our bodies to produce speech sounds. Articulators: oral cavity, nasal cavity, tongue, lips, teeth, and jaw.