LINGUIST 3C03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vocal Tract, Vocal Folds, Mouth

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What three parts can the vocal tract be divided into: The process of joining two elements together. Process of bringing two or more moveable speech structures together to form the sounds of speech. In the oral cavity, the undifferentiated buzz produced by the vocal folds (i. e. the source signal) is shaped (manipulated) into phonemes. Describes how oral cavity (plus naval cavity) shapes speech. States that a voicing source is generated by vocal folds, routed through vocal tract, and then shaped into sounds of speech. Describes the combination of larynx and articulation settings. Depends on cavities of vocal tract to shape output. List 3 things about the oral cavity that makes it important: Shaped by movements of tongue and mandible. Pharyngeal constrictor muscles allow for laryngeal elevation and depression. Oropharynx posterior to fauces, above it is velum. Nasopharynx above the soft palate, contains pharyngeal tonsils. Warms and humidifies air to protect lungs.