MEDRADSC 1B03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thoracic Vertebrae, Scoliosis, Kyphosis

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Adolescence: a time of major psychological, physiologic, sociologic change, 10-12 to 18 years old. Makes the gonads secrete their specific hormone. Musculoskeletal abnormalities: become more apparent during adolescence. Kyphosis increased convexity of thoracic spine hunchback interferes with respiration tall people tend to have it. Lordosis increased concavity of lumbar curvature swayback : obese people tend to have it. Inflammatory process (swelling, redness, warmth: pain, fever, leukocytosis, malaise, treatment, antimicrobials, surgery to remove necrotic debris. Bulimia nervosa: binge/purge, laxatives and diuretics, can lead to, anemia (low hgb, fluid electrolyte imbalance, cardiac arrhythmias, tetany (muscle spasm, dental caries, esophagitis, scars on fingers or back of hands. Acne: causes, an increased activity of of glands, heredity predisposition, high androgen levels, premenstrual hormonal fluctuations, oily creams, two types of lesions, non-inflammatory- white and black heads, blocked glands. Inflammatory: treatment, cleaning, peeling agents, antibacterial agents. Klinefelter"s syndrome: males, additional x (47 chromosomes, mental retardation, no sperm producted, no secondary sex characteristics.