[MEDRADSC 2A03] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (27 pages long!)

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Enteral: buccal, sublingual- absorbed immediately by oral mucosa, oral (po): Used if drug won"t (cid:271)e destroyed (cid:271)y gi se(cid:272)retions. For slower absorption, longer duration is desired. Large intestine: small role absorbs some water and electrolytes. If unable to swallow; can go through nasogastric/gastrostomy tube (in mouth or nose to the stomach) Rapid absorption required (emergency situation for anaphylaxis or pain) Irritating to stomach mucosa (enteric coated: first-pass effect: Partial metabolism of drug when taken by mouth renders it inactive stomach small intestine mesenteric vascular system portal vein liver before it goes into systemic circulation. We need to give larger oral doses: rectal: Hard to get the right dosage (absorption rate is hard to calculate) Parenteral- must be done using a sterile/surgical aseptic technique: subcutaneous: Only for very small doses (max 1-2 ml) Used for testing sensitivity to a drug or an antigen, or local anesthia. Absorption rate varies depends on blood flow to muscle.