MEDRADSC 2H03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gastroduodenal Artery, Ileum, Hepatic Artery Proper

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The aorta is wrapped by the left and right (cid:272)rus, it does(cid:374)"t pier(cid:272)e the diaphrag(cid:373) at all. The easiest plane to see them on is the sagittal, they feed the abdominal wall. 3 pairs: superior: branches off the inferior phrenics, middle: branch off the aorta, inferior: branches off the renals. Left gastric branches superiorly, the other are lower. Which is the largest of the celiac branches. Posterior to the stomach/pancreas common hepatic is not nearly as thick. Anterior aspect of aorta, 3-4cm above bifurcation of aorta. Part of transverse, ascending and ileum (right side of the bowel) Part of transverse, descending, sigmoid (left side of bowel) The aorta decreases in diameter as it descends in the abdomen. The nutcracker view is made up of the aorta and superior mesenteric artery, with the left renal vein (cid:271)ei(cid:374)g the (cid:862)(cid:374)ut(cid:863). The u(cid:272)i(cid:374)ate pro(cid:272)ess (cid:449)ould (cid:271)e (cid:449)rapped arou(cid:374)d the ma, a(cid:374)d if so, you (cid:272)ould also ha(cid:448)e some small bowel in there too.