[MEDRADSC 2H03] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (48 pages long)

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The left adrenal gland is: medial and posterior to the splenic vein. Sto(cid:373)ach (cid:894)it"s also a(cid:374)terior to the pa(cid:374)creas(cid:895: a fracture of rib 10 might tear into the spleen. Portal confluence (created by 2 vessels: splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein) A single vein takes off from the portal confluence: portal vein. Thin serous membranes to lubricate the organs (prevents friction: parietal layer: internal layer of muscular wall, visceral layer: partly enclosing the abdominal visceral organs, separated by film of serous fluid, forms cavity that encloses: Closed cavity in males, communicates with exterior in females. All organs start on the back wall (retroperitoneal), some migrate and push forward into the abdomen, drags the peritoneum between the organs. Abdominal cavity: holds the viscera for the organs. Parietal cavity: can be filled with pus/blood in addition to serous fluid, when the potential space is filled in because of obesity or pregnancy, the lateral wall muscles will expand to give some more room.