MMEDIA 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Max B, James Dyson, Jan Van Dijk

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The main themes of the course will include: In boomerang, nancy holt"s experience with audio delay demonstrates: perception is altered when mediated through technology. B. mcluhan"s principle of auto-amputation (changing her speaking pattern to hear herself: technologically mediated experiences can be disorienting, a and c, all of the above. What are some other surveillance technologies: google and facebook; cookies and caches, -wire-tapping, -car and cell phone gps, -fingerprints/retinal ids, all of these above. Which of the following would you characterize as strongly interactive: grand theft auto, traditional game of chess, amazon. com website, all of the above, a and b. Minimize the environmental harm caused by toxic materials in electronics when they are thrown out! C. maximize pro ts by driving consumption of new products while making previous products obsolete quickly! A electronics are only usable for 18 months and should then be replaced! Electronics companies offer upgraded models every 18 months!