MUSIC 2F03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Proscenium, Der Ring Des Nibelungen, Musical Ensemble

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What to listen for in film: the musical accompaniment of narrative film. Composer: james horner: most successful composer of the last few decades, titanic, avatar, etc, recently died in a plane crash. Small intimate scene: would risk over-dramatizing, leave space for what follows. After this scene, music continues for several mins through the launch scene. Where music isn"t, can be as important as where it is: music fades in under shower scene soothes transition. Instruments: brass military heroism sacrifice (culturally constructive) Style: chorale protestant hymn faith sacrifice. Tempo: slow restrained controlled professional. Change in musical texture with transition to external scene. Suspension of disbelief: everyone goes into a movie knowing it is not real however, we accept the director"s idea. Film conventions attempt to minimizing that threatens the suspension of disbelief, except for the use of music. Soundtrack: collection of pop songs that are used within a film: may also include pre-existing music used without adaptation.