MUSIC 2F03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hollywood Blacklist, Otto Preminger, Gallows

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8 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Vitaphone has a magic box recording to the side of it. 20 plays are good for a vitaphone, after that they are throw away the (cid:858)(cid:271)ig(cid:859) fi(cid:448)e= mgm, para(cid:373)ou(cid:374)t, war(cid:374)er brothers, (cid:1006)(cid:1004)th ce(cid:374)tur(cid:455) fo(cid:454), ko. The (cid:858)little(cid:859) three= universal, columbia and united artists. Mother is quieter than son because microphone is placed where it can capture everything. Writing scripts and acting were about to be invented. Sounds would change the way actors act. Sound on disk has the early lead, but sound on film was becoming the standard. Change in technology= change in aesthetics film had developed visually as as a silent medium. All sound had to be recorded in real time: had to be recorded while the film is being made. Almost like watching film of a stage presentation. A(cid:272)tors (cid:272)a(cid:374)(cid:859)t (cid:373)o(cid:448)e (cid:271)e(cid:272)ause the(cid:455) (cid:374)eed to (cid:271)e (cid:272)lose to the microphone. Born in vienna, middle class, father owned a theatre. Born in the midst of the romantic era.