MUSIC 2MT3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Autism Spectrum, Music Therapy, Precomposed Character

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Lecture 6 intro to music therapy: using pre-composed music. It is a powerful tool because pre-composed music brings back memories and feelings. An mt would use live music rather than recorded music to play pre-composed music because live music keeps client engaged and client can see facial expressions of mt (builds relationship). Also, playing live music is less fixed than using recorded music. The mt has control over pausing or slowing down or changing rhythm in order to engage with the client. (it is more flexible) Cognitively disabled pre-composed music may evoke emotions that may not come on their own. Pre-composed music can look like a sing-a-long but some of the differences between using pre- composed music in a group music therapy session versus in a sing a long: Music therapy session would be achieving health care goals whereas the goal in a sing a long could be practicing the singing but it is being used mostly for the entertainment.