NURSING 2A04 Study Guide - Final Guide: Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor, Anticholinergic, Risperidone

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Delirium an acute, complex disorder that requires immediate interventions to prevent permanent brain damage and health risks, including death. Dementia cognitive deficits which are severe enough to cause impairment in an individual"s social or occupational functioning, and represent a decline from a previous level of functioning. 2 of 18: use of screening tools for ddd. 3 of 18 (rnao, 2003, p. 22) (rnao, 2003, p. 59: familiarize self with bpg. Stakeholders research associates, associate professors, clinical nurse specialists, staff nurses, primary care nurses, docs, nurse educators, ot, geriatrician, rns, geriatric np, chief nursing officer, psychogeriatric resource consultant, geriatric outreach team. This bpg is only related to nursing practice and does not take into account fiscal efficiencies. Bpg provides information on levels of evidence levels include ia, ib, iia, iib, iii, iv. Kaleidoscope of care strategies for delirium, dementia and depression (p. 19) is shown to present many, but not all, care strategies elaboration is within the chapters: (rnao, 2004a, p. 19)