NURSING 2A04 Study Guide - Final Guide: Grounded Theory

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It cultivates awareness of how problematic conditions converge, reproduce and remain in place to sustain a status quo that is unfair for some groups within society. Awareness of social injustices and inequities leads to processes that culminate in praxis, which is the integrated expression of emancipatory knowing. It requires critical examination that aims to uncover why injustices seem to remain invisible and to identify specific social and structural changes that are require to right social and institutional wrongs. It seeks freedom from institutional and institutionalized social and political contexts that sustain injustices and that perpetuate advantages for some and disadvantages for others. In nursing it means questioning the nature of knowledge and the ways in which knowledge itself-or what is taken to be knowledge- contributes to larger social problems. It takes into account the power of dynamics that create knowledge as well as the social and political contexts that shape and influence knowledge and knowing.